
You are more than you think.
You are a she-wolf.
A tornado trapped in the skin of a girl,
a force to be reckoned with.
With perfectly manicured nails,
you can rip his still-beating heart out of his chest.
Each time your heels dig into the earth, like knives,
the ground shakes.
Make the Gods bow to you

mythandbonesdon’t let yourself be made small, you have the universe in your veins

Hello world!

Hey. How’s everyone doing? Hope you’re not ‘pressed’ for time. Ey? Ey? Ah well, I wasn’t always too good at ice-breakers.

What I am good at is drawing. I’ve spent most of my life, from when I was a tiny toddler with a crayon in hand, drawing and sketching and occasionally making an explosive mess (that was only once, thankfully. The kitchen was unharmed and remains a no-creativity zone. Unless it’s someone cooking).

At one point in my tremulous climb in art, I discovered the internet. And I found quite a few other people, asides from my doting parents, enjoyed my artwork. So I began to share it there. Before I knew it I was passing around sketches and having people share it to their friends, or comment with things like ‘eek I love you’ or ‘please tell me how to draw birb’. I was also told that I should start an art blog.

So I figured, why not? I settled down and made myself a professional art blog.

Which is why I’m here.

Here you’ll expect to see daily sketches, the occasional digital piece of art, and plenty of artistic sass. Hope you enjoy your stay, however brief!